1 - ヘラ絞り Metal spinning
ヘラ絞りとは、雄型となる金型に金属の板をセットして、ロクロの様に回転させたその板にヘラを押し当てて、金型に沿わせる様に板を絞っていく、昔ながらの加工技術です。 Metal spinning is a traditional processing technology in which a metal sheet is set onto a metal male die and the metal sheet is rotated, similarly to how a workpiece is rotated by a lathe. Spinning tools are pushed against the metal sheet, and it is spun over the metal die. -
2 - 金型 Metal die
ヘラ絞りには、板を沿わせる雄型となる金型が必要です。Onamiを手掛ける相和シボリ工業では、社内にて金型制作を行います。 金型の形状がそのまま商品の形状となるため、仕上がりを左右する大切な工程です。 Metal spinning requires a male die over which the metal sheet is spun. At Aiwa Sibori, which handles the Onami brand, dies are produced in-house. The form of the die will be the exact form of the product, so die production is an important process which affects the finished result. -
3 - ヘラ Spinning tools
ヘラ絞りを行うヘラの形状は様々です。商品や素材や形状等、様々な要素を考慮して、最適なヘラを選びます。 Onamiブランドでは、1つの商品を作る際にも、何本ものヘラを使って深い表情のヘラ目を付けています。 Spinning tools take various forms. The most suitable spinning tools are selected taking into account various factors such as the product, material, and form. Even when just one product of the Onami brand is being made, multiple spinning tools are used to make spinning tool lines with strong expressiveness on the product. -
4 - 絞り Spinning
ヘラを自分の手の様に扱い、回転する金属板に押し当てていくと、まるで陶芸の様に商品の形が出来上がっていきます。 商品が形づくられると同時に、Onamiの特長である「ヘラ目」が生まれる瞬間です。 When handling a spinning tool as if it were your own hand and pushing it against the rotating metal sheet, the form of the product develops just like the form of a piece of pottery develops. As the product is formed, the “spinning tool lines” which are the strength of Onami products are born. -
5 - 仕上げ Finishing
絞った商品は、素材・用途ごとに表面処理を行います。職人による手作業なので、それぞれ異なった表情になります。 使うたびに傷がついたり、色が変化していくので仕上げなので、使う人の生活に合わせて表情が変化していきます。 Different surface finishing is performed on spun products according to their material and purpose. Finishing is performed by an artisan, so each product has a different appearance. Marks are made on the products each time they are used, and the colors of the products change over time, so the appearance of the products changes to suit the lives of the people who use them.